Hello there,

Treescogs is a platform based on Discogs API that lets Discogs buyers & sellers geolocalize themselves in order to buy and sell locally.

Our goal is to push for local purchases rather than air-mailed shipments. For obvious ecological reasons but also to avoid loss, breaked records and save money... to buy more records!


Register, associate your account to your city and discover who are the sellers around you!
You can also filter to only display the sellers that own records from your wantlist.
Contact the seller on Discogs, and meet up!


Register, associate your account to your city and improve your visibility!
Buyers that have records you sell in their wantlist will be able to contact you directly on Discogs!

Thank you!

Our platform does not make any income. We don't sell anything. We just want to find the items that we want around us, and meet new record-lovers in order to grow our community.